Scout Manager - Japan

🇯🇵 Japan
Business Developer
Business development

About Antler

Antler is the investor backing the world’s most driven founders, from day zero to greatness. Founded on the belief that people innovating is the key to building a better future, we partner with people across six continents to launch and scale high-potential startups that address meaningful opportunities and challenges. Knowing that exceptional founders can come from anywhere with any background, we have offices in 26 cities, including Austin, New York, London, Berlin, Stockholm, Bangalore, Jakarta, Singapore, Seoul, Tokyo, and Sydney. Our global community backs people from the beginning with co-founder matching, deep business model validation, initial capital, expansion support, and follow-on funding. Fueled by a personal passion that goes beyond traditional investing, we have helped create and invest in more than 1,000 startups across a wide range of industries and technologies, with the goal of backing more than 6,000 by 2030.

A better future won’t happen automatically—the world needs talented, determined, and resilient people to build it. Antler team members are part of an ambitious global community dedicated to helping the most driven founders move the world forward. We ease the path to entrepreneurship so more exceptional people can launch and scale companies that disrupt the status quo, create employment, contribute to GDP, and drive technology development and adoption. As the world presents an ever-increasing number of opportunities and challenges, founders are more needed than ever to address them. Join us to support them and help make progress inevitable.

About the role

We are looking for a Scout Manager - Japan for our operations in Tokyo. The role is pivotal for our success, both in the region and globally, as finding high-quality founders is one of the most critical elements in our business as a Venture Capital fund. This role allows you to take personal responsibility for the leadership of our team and fund, which will have an incredible impact on founders' lives and the global innovation ecosystem.

We are looking for a person with a very high level of business acumen to identify and attract the right talents to our startup generation program. We expect to have 3000 founder applicants a year. You will be the front line with working with the applicant on why they want to be founders, listening to and understanding the problem they want to solve, and reviewing their business ideas, market size, and why they want to be founders.

You must be able to communicate and convince founders that Antler is the best place to start their companies, as the best founders we aim to find will have many other options.

If you’re up for the challenge, we can promise an incredible experience, and an unparalleled opportunity to work with highly motivated individuals, accomplished entrepreneurs, and the founders of future startup successes.


  • Responsible for sourcing and interviewing founders to be part of our cohorts, from which 10-20 great companies will be born on a yearly basis.
  • Plan regional sourcing strategies for high-quality founders, including defining who we are looking for, where they are located, and how we reach them with our value proposition,
  • Provide support to the founders joining Antler, ensure a flawless onboarding process, and act as coach/advisor for several of the companies that emerge,
  • Work closely with the Partnership and PR teams to execute a targeted marketing strategy and offer the best founder experience,
  • Collaborate on designing, developing, delivering and iterating materials and content for workshops, keynotes, roundtables and office hours
  • Become an expert position & market knowledge on where top entrepreneurs emerge from,
  • Be a powerful brand ambassador for Antler.

Key Experience

  • 3-5 years of experience.
  • Recent experience from a high-growth tech startup environment is a must.
  • Business acumen - understand business concepts. You will be reviewing hundreds of ideas, decks, and companies.
  • Demonstrated interest in sourcing & evaluating founders and delivering a great candidate experience.
  • Network within the Japan tech and start-up community.
  • Experience working in high-growth technology companies.
  • Fluency speaking in English and Japanese

Personal attributes

  • Independent and proactive with a very positive attitude.
  • Results-oriented and outstanding personal commitment.
  • A personality that founders want to work with.
  • Comfortable with quick changes, tight deadlines, moving targets and ambiguity.
  • Highly collaborative approach and influencing skills.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Passion for entrepreneurship and a belief that the world needs more change-makers and innovators.

What we offer

  • Opportunity to find and nurture the best entrepreneurs that will generate many of the leading companies of the future.
  • Opportunity to build and work with highly qualified and fun teams.
  • Opportunity to participate in the early shaping and vision of the next generation of disruptive tech companies in Japan.
  • Competitive remuneration.







Antler Japan(東京拠点)でのオペレヌションにおいお、日本のスカりトマネヌゞャヌを募集しおいたす。


私たちは、スタヌトアップゞェネレヌションプログラム(Antler Cohort Programにふさわしい才胜を芋぀け、惹き付けるために、非垞に高いビゞネスセンスを持った人材を求めおいたす。幎間3000名の起業家応募者を芋蟌んでいたす。応募者が解決したい課題を聞き理解し、ビゞネスアむディア、垂堎芏暡、なぜ起業家になりたいのかを怜蚎しプログラムぞの採択を決めおいきたす。




‐ 圓瀟の「Antler Cohort Program」に参加しおいただく起業家の゜ヌシングず面接を担圓し、毎幎1020の優れた䌁業を生み出す。

‐ 優れた起業家を察象ずした日本の゜ヌシング戊略の立案・実行。

‐ Antlerに参画する起業家をサポヌトし、オンボヌディングプロセスたでの実行を行う。

‐ パヌトナヌシップ及びPRチヌムず密接に連携し、タヌゲットを絞ったマヌケティング戊略の実行。

‐ ワヌクショップや基調講挔、オフィスアワヌ等の実斜に関わるコンテンツ䌁画や、資料䜜成、プログラムのピッチを行う。

‐ 有望な起業家がどこにいるのか、どういった経隓を持っおいる人に倚いのか等、専門的なポゞションず垂堎知識を持぀。

‐ Antlerの匷力なブランドアンバサダヌずなる。


- 採甚業務やPR業務の2〜5幎の経隓。

- スタヌトアップ環境での経隓。

- ビゞネスコンセプトを理解しおいるこず。(ビゞネスの抂念を理解するこずが求められたす。数癟のアむディア、デッキ、および䌁業をレビュヌするこずになりたす。)

- 起業家の゜ヌシングず評䟡に興味を持ち、優れた候補者䜓隓を提䟛できる方。

- 日本のテクノロゞヌおよびスタヌトアップコミュニティでのネットワヌクを有する方。

- 高成長テクノロゞヌ䌁業での経隓。

- 英語ず日本語が堪胜であるこず。(゜ヌシングは䞻に日本語で行いたすが、グロヌバル拠点ずの連携や情報共有、䌚議は英語で行いたす。


‐ 自立し、行動力がありポゞティブな方。

‐ 結果にこだわりコミットする方。

- 起業家たちが䞀緒に働きたいず思うような個性。

- 倉化に柔軟に察応できる適応力、目暙蚭定ができる方。

‐ 倖郚ずの連携や発信力のある方。
‐ 優れたコミュニケヌションスキル。

- アントレプレナヌシップを持ち、情熱をもっお起業家支揎業務に取り組める方。




Global venture capital supporting ambitious entrepreneurs worldwide.


🏭venture capital and private equity principals

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