Senior Java Developer

🇵🇱 Poland
Software Developer
Software development

Our mission at Netguru is to help entrepreneurs and innovators shape the world through beautiful software. We care about trust, taking ownership, and transparency. As a Certified B Corporation®, we offer a safe, inclusive and productive environment for all team members, and we’re always open to feedback. If you want to work from home and be a full time employee, great! We want to create the right opportunities for you.

  • Required skills: at least 4 years of experience in Java and Spring, PostgreSQL, AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, security principles in software development, English (C1)

  • Nice to have: Kotlin, experience in recruiting developers, knowledge about FinTech

  • One-time PLN 1000 home-office bonus for B2B contractors, and PLN 175 monthly lump sum (ryczałt) for remote employees, Multisport card, private health insurance, discounts on Apple products, development budget and more

  • B2B: + 20 paid days off

What are the responsibilities of a Senior Java Developer?

  • Developing and implementing highest-quality application software within deadlines and in accordance with our guidelines for high-quality code,
  • Understanding the business side of the project and being able to lead in-depth technical discussions with partners and customers,
  • Recognizing upcoming trends and technologies which might be presented to the clients with the right business cases, references and context.
  • Participating in the documentation and execution of system testing,
  • Sharing knowledge with the community and/or contributing to open source projects,
  • Supporting/mentoring developers and other project members (e.g. PMs, QAs, PDs).




Netguru is a consultancy, product design, and software development company founded in 2008


🏭it services and it consulting

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🇵🇱 Poland
Software Developer

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