SEO Specialist

🇵🇱 Poland
SEO Specialist

We are looking for a passionate and driven SEO Specialist to join our team.

Key Responsibilities:

Analysis and Strategy:

  • Develop and implement SEO strategies for product resources and satellite sites.
  • Analyze competitive environment and market to identify new opportunities and growth points.
  • Continuously monitor rankings and adapt strategy according to changes in search engine algorithms and technical aspects of promoted resources.

Optimization and Content:

  • Conduct technical SEO audits of SPA sites and prepare technical specifications.
  • Optimize content and create recommendations for copywriters.
  • Develop an internal linking strategy to improve site structure and user experience.

Analytics and Reporting:

  • Analyze key metrics and present reports on SEO work results.
  • Use analytical tools (Seranking, Ahrefs, Semrush, etc.) to monitor the performance and effectiveness of implemented strategies.

Project Management:

  • Coordinate work with other departments (Project team, Linkbuilding, Content, Front-end team).
  • Manage a team of SEO specialists (junior, middle), providing training and mentorship.
  • Manage and adhere to allocated budgets for SEO activities.






RISK is a trailblazing company in the gaming and wagering industry, challenging the status quo and pioneering solutions in the digital entertainment and betting arena


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🇵🇱 Poland
SEO Specialist

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